About This Project

This project is built using Next.js, a React framework that enables server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). Next.js allows for efficient and performant rendering of React components, making it suitable for dynamic web applications.

The project utilizes TypeScript for type-checking and improved developer productivity. TypeScript adds static types to JavaScript, catching errors early during development and providing better tooling support.

Data is fetched from the FakeStore API, a mock e-commerce API providing product information. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is used to fetch data on each request, ensuring up-to-date product information is displayed. Static Site Generation (SSG) is employed for pre-rendering pages at build time, optimizing performance and SEO.

The UI components are styled using Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework. Tailwind CSS offers a responsive and flexible design system, speeding up development with its pre-built utility classes.

HeroIcons are used for scalable icons that integrate seamlessly with Tailwind CSS. These icons provide a consistent visual language across the application, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

For more details and to explore the source code, you can visit the project repository:

GitHub Repository